ASTM Plastic



ASTM presses for plastics and other materials.

Wabash presses are specially configured to perform the compression molding of test plaque or bar specimens of Type 1-5 polyethylene. The procedure is in conformance with ASTM Method D 4703, Procedure C. The presses are equipped with heating/cooling platens and a programmable digital controller which has a heating/cooling loop for each platen and built-in program for the required 15°/minute +/-2°C cooling rate.

— Chillers for closed loop cooling control are available as an option.

ASTM Chase Frame Kits
Catalog Number
Teflon Coated
Stainless Steel
100 Mylar Sheets
4″ x 4″ Chase 4079 4080 4081 4161
6″ x 6″ Chase 4082 4083 4084 4162
8″ x 8″ Chase 4085 4086 4087 4163